The Devil Wants You Busy, Bound and Burnt Out
The Devil Wants YOU Busy, Bound and Burnt Out challenges us to dig deep to see if we are burying our emotional pain or are we working for other reasons. God spoke one time and said You dont like it when your children assume anything and I dont like it when my children assume either. Building the temple was a good thing that David wanted to do, but the fact remained, God said NO! Now if God had no problem saying NO and we are made in the image and likeness of God, why cant we say it?God wants us to have life and more abundantly but first we must learn when to say no regardless of our internal drive to keep busy. Yes, the thief comes to steal, kill and destroy our health, relationships and even our lives; but Jesus came to give us life and more abundantly. However, in order for us to receive HIS life, we must first discover why we go beyond the call of duty and do things God or even we intended to do. As you read, The Devil Wants YOU Busy, Bound and Burnt Out, I want you to think of these words:Why do you do the things you doIs a question that Im asking youDo you do it to please the MasterOr is your hand reaching outFor the praise of menTime and AgainIf you are then your motives are wrongSo listen very carefullyTo this little songWho do you love?The creature or CreatorWho do you loveThe Giver or the giftWhich do you love?The praise of men or Jesus3 out of 6Take your pickIn Whom and which do you loveBarbara A. Desormo
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