The Dreamers Advantage
Dreams are something we all have, as individuals, adults, children as well as the entire Human race. However, the context and symbolism of the dream can sometimes leave the dreamer puzzled or even a bit confused. As some try to reduce the dream into interpret its complexity with their natural mind. The problem some have with interpreting their own dream is that they digest the dream as a whole and interpret its meaning based off of emotions, feelings, actual life experiences, comparing and contrasting literal or natural symbols. Although dreaming is common, every dream contains an uncommon prophetic message for each particular dreamer in which God engraves the message on their hearts. Its hidden message contains a problem encoded with a spiritual solution for each and every circumstance that will; guide, direct, keep, warn, foresee, foretell, hold, unlock and counsel. The Dreamers Advantage is a must have for every dreamer. This book will demonstrate with clear explanations, scriptural illustrations, and real-life dream, vision and number interpretations, how each and every believer has an advantage as a dreamer!
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