The Greatest Man I Never Knew
My book, The Greatest Man I Never Knewexplains why my daddy's love is so important to me. It draws the reader in, to express how dreams are important in achieving one's heart's desire. With the help of daddy, I developed the courage to move away from any obstacles that crossed my path; making real gains to live a productive life.Through my agonizing journey, it entails many twists and turns of how I suffered through psychological trauma, mental and physical abuse before finally having my needs met. In searching for my place in life, to overcome the loneliness and to find the love I needed. Daddy fulfilled my hopes and dreams; while going through some serious medical problems of his own that were life threatening. He came to my rescue when I needed him the most and became the greatest man I never knew. Daddy fulfilled my dreams in every way, giving me the love I so desperately craved.
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