The Hungry Polar Bear
Nothing's more fun than a snow day–until you find yourself face-to-face with a polar bear. Just as you realize the growling stomach you hear isn't your own, the bear speaks. He says he's hungry...for you. What do you do? Run? Polar bears are faster. Fight? Polar bears are stronger. Scream? The snow will muffle your cries. There's only one thing to do: try to outsmart the beast. (After all, everyone knows polar bears are a bit dense). The Hungry Polar Bear is the story of a little boy who finds himself face-to-face with this conundrum. With the blowing snow making it hard for both predator and prey to see each other, the little boy must try outwit the bear using nothing but his imagination. Who will end up safe and warm in their den at the end of the story? Bear or boy? 
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