The Introduction to Systematic Kinesiology
KINESIOLOGY  HELPS PREVENTION!The  many  imbalances  which  occur  just  coping with the stress of everyday life can be found, and then analysed with Kinesiology.  All imbalances which can be found with Kinesiolology can be corrected. Health  and  Well-Being improve.As we become  healthier, our own miraculous powers of  recuperation can get  to work. Our bodies have many very intricate and amazing mechanisms for putting its own house in order. Just watch a cut heal!By balancing  imbalances regularly we help the body to solve the little problems. This means that big  problems  do not get a chance to develop. This opens the door to true prevention.PREVENTION IS DETTER THAN CURE! Thomas  Edison,  the  inventor of the light bulb said over a hundred years ago:The doctor of the future will give no medicines, but  will interest his pa­tients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.We are not quite there yet! But, with Kinesiology we now have the  tools to deal with and  correct the  many day to day imbalances  which the body is unable to resolve for itself.KINESIOLOGY CAN HELP WITH OVER 80o/o OF ALL THE THINGS THAT TROUBLE PEOPLE  THAT ARE NOT DISEASEIf you have a problem with any of the discomforts we all typically experience, there  is a  very good  chance  that  Kinesiology will prob­ably help you. Remember it  is always wise  to have a check-up with a health professional. Persistent   problems  should  always be  checked with a physician.Kinesiology is simple, non-intrusive, and enables us to get into harmony with our own bodies. The basics are easy to learn and the results dramatic. Use the ideas in this book, and feel the benefit.EMOTIONAL  STRESS  RELEASE (E.S.R.)One  of the simplest of Kinesiological techniques can he
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