From a small funeral in rural Tennessee to a journey from Perth, Australia to Hollywood and ending in London, The Little Box & Other Stories covers a wide range of personalities, experiences, and beliefs. In A Portrait of Honor, a woman fights the Indians for survival to settle a city. A prisoner released after forty years never regrets killing for revenge is Uncle Remus Recalled. A loving woman suffers from a friend’s ingratitude in A Hefty Day with Flowers and Cornbread, and a mother protects her daughter’s body from mutilation in Unrevealed. A couple braves the frontier in Long Horizons, only to have mind and body suffer from tragedies of exploration.The Little Box concerns a life style that is slipping away but is pushed to survive, even from the grave, while Lookaway and Maplehurst travel back to past glories. Travel and discovery excite the imagination in No Longer Innocent and Glancing Behind the Curtain. Dimming of the Light looks at the emotional strains of ageing.Together, all these stories enlighten with glances into various places and minds and challenge the reader to travel with intriguing people.
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