The Littlest Harpist is a sweet tale that brings a lingering warm smile. Itleaves one to ponder the blessing and responsibility of raising our childrento pursue all that God would have in store for them. e fact that it is areal life story makes it all the more magical. Spending a few minutes toread the book is a breath of fresh air to our overloaded lives. Its also aprecious few minutes to spend inspiring a child. I have had the wonderfulpleasure of Melodys friendship for over 30 years. All of us have known thatMelody has always had a little extra something special about her. In Godsabundant blessing she has always shared her gifts with everyone around her,healing people both physically and mentally. Harps have always brought usthe vision of angels, and Melody fi lls the shoes well.(Dr. Ellan Duke, owner of River Hills Chiropractic and Wellness Centerin Jacksonville, Florida, is a mother of four, as well as an inspirational writerand lecturer on health and wellness.)
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