The Loneliest Man in the World The Inside Story of the Thirty Year Imprisonment of Rudolf Hess
Without doubt, the most bizarre and controversial event in the History of World War II was the parachute jump by Deputy Führer Rudolf Hess into Scotland on May 10, 1941.Hess was supposedly on a peace mission to negotiate a peace between England and Germany. Hess was on his way to see the Duke of Hamilton in Scotland, with whom he believed he could negotiate a peace. Instead, Hess was put in jail, where he stayed for 46 years until he died in 1987.For 46 years he served a life sentence in West Berlins Spandau prison. For the last 17 years he was the only inmate in a fortress built to hold 600. Long ago he was the second most powerful man in Germany, Deputy Fuhrer to Adolf Hitler. His name is Rudolf Hess.Now the almost incredible story of the Loneliest Man in the World is told by a man who, as part of the American garrison at Spandau, and later as Commandant, watched over Hesss every move and action, won his confidence, talked daily with him, and kept a day-to-day record.Was Hess mad? Colonel Birds answer is an emphatic no. Is he the totally evil man that many think. Again, the author demurs. Above all, was he, when he flew to Scotland in the Spring of 1941, trying to make peace with Britain, and did Hitler know what Hess was doing. Readers will find the answers to this and many other crucial questions about the most enigmatic leader of the Third Reich in the pages of this book.
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