The Number Story 5 &The Number Story 6
"A global slant to looking at numbers!A superb way for children to understand the importance of numbers in everyday life!"                                                                                                                       - Wishing Shelf - View the Matterhorn from the cable cars!Ride the tuk-tuks in Thailand!How about a panoramic view of Sydney’s Opera House high above from a hot air balloon? The Numbers are on the move around the world! From monster-sized trucks in Canada to the zipping skidoos in Antarctica, Numbers are working hard in the transport sector to help us travel and move. Number Reporters have been sent out all over the seven continents to document their faithful and daring action at work. Indeed the achievements of Numbers 10-99 need to acknowledged and celebrated, and Anchor Zero has been preparing to do so with flair and flamboyance. Be ready to be dazzled as the Numbers broadcast and celebrate the behind-the-scenes works of Numbers everywhere! John is ready to see the Numbers in action. Are you? Miss Anna has been working hard to present her next book, Number Story 5 and 6, the third sequel in The Number Story series. In The Number Story 5, children are invited to travel the continents with the Numbers as they are introduced to the greater family of Numbers. Counting by tens was never more entertaining, and counting through 11 to 99 never so fun! And best of all, the number 100 will delightfully light up the eyes of young boys and girls. Flip the book, and there is Number Story 6! In The Number Story 6, children will be escorted into the invisible world of chairs. Chairs One, with its frien
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