The Ochre Hand - A LIfe Lived
The ochre hand was imprinted by an unknown individual upon an ancient cave wall ages ago. This book was written by an individual in a modern age. The common factor is both individuals lived a real-life in vastly different times. If you were to gaze upon an ochre hand on a cave wall, you may wonder who that individual was, what was his life like, when did he live? You would be unable to decipher anything about him. If you read The Ochre Hand, you will identify with many of the poems, stories, and essays. Some you will agree with, others to strongly disagree, all will make you think and hopefully to smile about the similarities of living. The Ochre Hand was written by an engineer who became a philosopher living an easy, joyful life. The ancient who imprinted the ochre handprint lived a life that only the fittest could survive. What a joy to live today.
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