The Physics of Emotion(ing)
In the Physics of Emotioning, Michael D. Lukens, Ph.D. lays the groundwork and develops the concept of Emotioning, the force that acts upon every human mind to make us do what we do. This theory opens us to knowledge that will shift our paradigms, changing the way we view, study, and experience consciousness.Before the discovery of gravity, ancient civilizations and Greek philosophers filled in the blanks with godly explanations for the existence, positioning, and movement of the planets and stars. Later, astronomers like Galileo and Brahe shed proverbial light on these subjects when they theorized that the planets revolved around the sun, further supported by Keplers work that demonstrated that the planets moved in an elliptical orbit. The question that remained to be answered was . . . why? Whether under the influence of an apple-flavored concussion or not, Newton began formulating the answer to that fateful why question which would be the launching pad for a new era of science on earth and in space alike. Though gravity existed prior to the theory being developed, its development ushered in the paradigm shift that allowed us to harness it and travel into outer space. The kickstart to the development of the Physics of Emotioning, wasnt a falling apple, it was Dr. Lukenss healthy heart, his love for people, and a genuine interest in guiding others to answer their own Why questions.Carrying the torch for B.F. Skinner, Lukens details the processes of human minding from the standpoint of radical constructivism and structure determinism. His theory has practical ways to systematically deal with the Black Box that is the mind, and he lays out the many inspiring potential implications this theory catalyses. By building a constructivist scaffolding, Dr. Lukens outlines how the Black Box is not as impenetrably opaque as behaviorists might believe, and maps out how we can approach an explanation of it in an empirically and scientifically sound manner.Ultim
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