The Power of Breaking Fear
Regarded by U.S. News and Fortune 500 companies as one of the best overall developmental tools in the past 30 years! Read the book in one day – change your life in one day. Read the book in one week – change your life in one week. What you think you want to do, and what you think that you can’t do, is transformed into what you will do. This book is as real as it gets for keeping it simple to build up your greatest asset - which is yourself, and how you interact with all of your surroundings everyday to fuel the negative into the positive, fears into courage, and open-mindedness into a thundering new way of looking at life. Rated as one of the highest ranked books for immediately making overwhelming, permanent life changes. The second edition of The Power Of Breaking Fear by award-winning author Tim S. Marshall turns around salesforces, individual lives, and companies overnight. This book has been used as a workbook by Fortune 500 companies, with explosive techniques within the book on building relationships, breaking fear, prospecting, presenting, and closing, as well as interpersonal growth for families, friends, and organizations, as reported by U.S. News. Readers have used these techniques to triple their sales, incomes, and personal relationships instantly. This book turns rejection into major sales and financial growth immediately! This "crash test dummy" as he refers to himself, is now an award-winning author, a renowned motivational speaker, a TV & radio personality, a proud father, and a national phenomenon. Inc. Magazine honored him four years in a row as one of "The fastest growing companies in America", with over three million applicants. He sold his company to an international corporation for millions, and has since taught leadership skills to CEOs of Fortune 500 companies and entire sales force teams.
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