The Proud Peacock Book
The Proud Peacock Book was written as a resource for children aged between 7 and 12 years. The book provides tools, strategies and inspiration for children on how to be the best version of themselves.Focusing on developing healthy mental health and wellness, the book provides support and guidance teaching children how to recognise their qualities, how to build self-esteem, how to cope when stressed and how to believe in themselves. The book promotes positive behaviour, healthy mindset and social and emotional wellness. Ther are six topics; Love & Values, Kindenss, Self-Esteem, Trust, Gratitude and Stillness. Each topic has an explanation, followed by a short story to capture the meaning, a beautiful visulisation and six activities to enhance and encourage what they have learnt about. The Proud Peacock Book has colour, character and insight to help children become more aware of their strengths and abilities. The book is a teaching tool, a reminder and a gift.
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