The Psychology of Abusive/Predatory Relationships
In The Psychology of Abusive/Predatory Relationships author Miranda J. Houston assists women in increasing their insight and awareness regarding the dynamics of these toxic relationships. She shares valuable information on how women can set themselves free and avoid future drama.This guide will assist women in the following areas:Distinguishing the difference between an abusive relationship and a predatory relationship.Understanding the psyche of a predatorIdentifying the two most vulnerable spots in a woman’s psyche.Emotional manipulation techniques employed by predators to keep women stuck in predatory relationships.Steps to assist women in repairing damaged instincts.How to disarm and detach from the predator.Changing one’s relationship blueprint. Finally, The Psychology of Abusive/ Predatory Relationships assists women in discovering the gifts within themselves, determine what they want out of life and get on a path where they will be able to attract the kind of mate they desire.  
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