The Syndrome Y Solution
“Why didn’t somebody tell me about Syndrome Y before,” a parent said in response to being shown a copy of THE SYNDROME Y SOLUTION: EMOTIONAL STRENGTH BUILDING FOR YOUR UNDERPERFORMING, UNMOTIVATED, UNDERACHIEVING SON. “It makes so much sense now that somebody has explained it.”If your son is having problems in school and disrupting family life at home and you can’t find a reason, this book offers proven help. Many bright and able boys are paralyzed by a puzzling set of symptoms characterized by problems at home, school, and in every-day life. But most of these boys, when tested, are found not to have any disorder that would explain their problems.Every parent worried about an underperforming son should read this book. It tells the story of how a psychologist saw a distinctive pattern in many boys brought to her for testing because of problems at home and at school. Dr. Karen Chesnutt has identified a set of symptoms that she calls Syndrome Y. More important, she has devised a program of treatment that actually works. Building emotional strength is the key to overcoming underperformance, low motivation, and under-achievement.Problems resembling Syndrome Y have been described in the past. Some data-driven and research-based books have hinted at Syndrome Y, but this is the first book to offer an effective way to deal with it. Dr. Chesnutt’s five-phase program is experience-based and practical. Her program is the first to deal with the “why” of Syndrome Y and to treat its underlying causes. Her approach is based on many years of experience as a parent, teacher, and psychologist. 
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