The Trouble with Conversation
When trying to communicate about personal matters, or on any topic that’s important to you, you may have noticed that communication often seems to rapidly break down.How often do you feel that people don’t understand what you’re trying to say, or have completely misunderstood you? Or how often does a person’s behaviour seem strange to you, or their comments seem puzzling? If you notice this type of situation frequently, this probably means you care about communication.This book explores these areas in detail and aims to enable you to be able to quickly spot which topics it is and is not possible to communicate about, and to spot which people it will not be possible to communicate with on certain topics. You’ll also be able to clearly understand why a person has misunderstood what you’ve said or done, and will gain an insight into your own and other people’s personalities.Using language that everyone can understand, the book provides a fascinating read for anyone interested in everyday communication and the related relationship problems.Fletcher Kovich works as a healer, practicing traditional Chinese acupuncture, and writes articles on health issues. He’s also worked as a music teacher, a technical author and has written several novels. He’s always had a passionate interest in communication and personality, and this book is the product of many years of personal research he’s carried out in this area.
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