The View From My Window
If youre the outdoor type who simply enjoy taking pictures to share with others, then this is the perfect pastime for you. I simply call it Finding Beauty In Your Own Backyard. Others may call it Bird Feeder Photography. During the present pandemic, this is the perfect filler to occupy your time during lockdown or Shelter-In-Place. This is mostly a laid-back diversion that does not require an expensive camera or years of experience. It only requires a general knowledge of photography, a creative and imaginative eye, and lots of patience. This book was not written for photographers. It was written for the average person who enjoy taking pictures of birds especially at feeding time. Do you want to have a most unforgettable experience? Go ahead and set up a birdfeeder in your backyard. Next, prepare yourself to be delighted because this is an experience you will not soon forget. You are guaranteed to capture some of the most fantastic photo images of birds imaginable.
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