The Warlord, The Warrior, The War
THE HUMANS HAVE BROUGHT THE FIGHT TO ANTARCTICA…As the War of the Species rages, the Overlord has sent General Diutes to regain control of the fracturing Penguin Defense Alliance. Desperate for a strong leader in the General’s absence, Antaean offers the rogue Warlord of Planarseae, the chance to take Diutes’ place and stall the human onslaught. But Talus and his band of outcasts have no loyalty to the Overlord...Russian-born mercenary Trofim Grekov has spent the past twenty years as a specialist in handling esoteric biological threats. Hoping for a final payday to retire to a quiet life, he accepts an offer from the dubious Colonel Jenson. In Antarctica, Trofim will learn the truth about what he is fighting and who he can trust…if anybody.Set against the backdrop of the action in RISE OF THE PENGUINS and CROSSCURRENTS, events in THE WARLORD, THE WARRIOR, THE WAR will have implications for the future of mankind and penguin alike...
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