The Alex Everfcrest series take place in the recent past.Additional Alex Evercrest books are The Girl on the Grill, Missing, and MaggotThe Water FrontA runner, probably in his late thirties, lay dead in a pool of blood that ran out of his ear. His his running shorts were pulled down and his penis was pinned to his abdomen with a pencil that had been driven through it. This is a first for the newly opened section of the Cincinnati waterfront park.Alex Cathy Evercrest, who dreams of being an exceptional crime fighting detective, is given this as her first case.The movied, where the good guys won the battle against the bad guys, influenced her thinking and many of the choices she made as she grew up. Now she is faced with a bad guy, but it is not the quick gun that is needed. Instead it is a very quick mind. Since a young girl, Alex has desired to become a detective in a city where she could make a significant contribution in fighting crime. She has a Bachelor 0f Science in Criminology and Law Enforcement and has earned a Masters degree in Phycology. During her college years shebecame a black belt in Tae-Kwon-Do. She is an excellent marksman and experienced in a wide range for weapons as part of her gun handling experience.Her first job, for a year, was as a law clerk for a Chicago judge that was a friend of the family. She finds the work very educational but boring. She quites and for the next three years she is a deputy in a small town. It holds little challenge for her, but she learns the ropes from an old, almost to retire sheriff.Then she lands a job in Cincinnati, Ohio.Alex is thrilled with the possibility of being a detective in Cincinnati. It is a smaller city, but she knows that its murder rate is comparable to New York or Chicago.She commits to Cincinnati. On arrival she learns that no one is willing to be her junior partner.The Chief hires Trey McGregor, a Marine veteran. Trey has several years on the Milwaukee police force. He is trying
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