Things I Did When No One Was Watching
Author G. K. Jourdane grew up within a mixed Maori and European culture and endured extreme hardship throughout her life. In Things I Did When No One Was Looking, she offers a compilation of insightful and inspiring short stories based on events that took place during the lowest times of her adult life. In this series of personal stories, Jourdane shares how she found herself homeless on the outskirts of Melbourne at age fifty when an autoimmune disease struck her down. She lost everything, but her will to survive remained. Each story offers a unique message and speaks to those who are on a personal self-development journey. In Things I Did When No One Was Looking, she narrates how these events taught her something about mortality and life as it truly is in its raw state. We cannot gloss over it, but we can seek the truth inside the universe of our souls. Once we know our moral birthrights, we are able to face anything.
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