Time has a way of solving many problems - but it also has a way of creating many more... Sari grew up with a secret that involved her missing father... The only other person who knows the truth refuses to acknowledge it. Sari cant forget what happened. Ever. She lost someone she loved. Fifteen years later, the possibility of reversing the series of events drives her to keep searching for answers. Especially now that shes finally returned to where it all happened and with the people - one in particular - that shed been forced to leave behind. Fifteen years ago, Ward was devastated when Saris mother fled to France with Sari. Even at ten, theyd been sweethearts. But the mystery of what happened back then had lain fallow.... waiting for someone to stir up the soil. And damn if Sari wasnt the best at doing just that... Sari and Ward are out of time. Can they solve the mystery of what happened? Or do they become the next victims...
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