Vagus Nerve Healing
Some of these cranial nerve pairs will send off sensory information to the brain and body, such as the intricate details on sights and what you have seen throughout your day, certain smells that may have sparked a memory or left a bad or good impression, a taste that you may know and love or completely despise or that you may remember from way back when in your childhood, or a sound that you find to be familiar for some reason, but maybe you cant quite put your finger on it. In this book you will learn:•                  Nervous system•                  Cranial nerves•                  Vagus nerve•                  Anatomy and significance of vagus nerve•                  Vagus nerve as part of bodys natural healing system•                  Vagus nerve and its role in treatment of epilepsy•                  Vagus nerve and its role in treatment of inflammation•                  Vagus nerve and its role in treatment in gastrointestinal inflammatory diseases•                  Vagus nerve and its role in treatment of depress and ptsdThe vagus nerve represents the main component of the parasympathetic nervous system, which oversees a vast array of crucial bodily functi
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