Weird and Amazing Places in the Natural World
<p>Take a journey around our planet and visit some little known but amazing places. Be ready to be surprised.<p></p>Travel to a spooky sea cave filled with natural blue luminous light. See gigantic stone arches and balancing rocks that seem to defy gravity.<p></p>Visit the worlds most photographed mountain, one of the most dangerous to climb. See the largest salt flat in the world, flat as a pancake and is so white that it is blinding.<p></p>View a single tree that has tens of thousands of trunks, one of the heaviest and one oldest things on the planet.<p></p>See a waterfall that is over 2,000 feet wide which dumps enough water in a single second to fill 5 Olympic sized swimming pools.<p></p>Witness the beauty of these and other fascinating places that fill this book of Natural Wonders.<p></p>This book is full of color images, bursting with amazing facts and is easy to understand. Sure to intrigue young readers.<p></p>Although aimed at readers from 5 to 8, this book will appeal to everyone up to 100!<p></p>TJ Rob - www.TJRob.com<p></p>Book Contents:<p></p><ol><li>Weird and Amazing Places in the NATURAL World</li><li>Uluru</li><li>Ha Long Bay</li><li>The Great Blue Hole</li><li>Salar De Uyuni</li><li>The Blue Grotto</li><li>Arches National Park</li><li>The Matterhorn</li><li>Ngorangoro Crater</li><li>The Great Barrier Reef</li><li>Pando</li><li>Iguazu Falls</li><li>The Grand Canyon</li><li>The Giants Causeway</li><li>Yuki-No-Otani Snow Canyon</li><li>Dont miss these other exciting Books by TJ Rob</li></ol>
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