What Every Therapist Needs to Know
With the ubiquity of knowledge on too many topics relevant to psychotherapy and life problems, it is difficult for therapists to muddle through and stay up-to-date. Therapists often have to choose between braving a bewildering onslaught of information and wishfully disregarding all thats out there. What Every Therapist Needs to Know answers for therapists the practical, humble question, What do I need to know about a topic to practice competently?This book provides an engaging overview on the topics that working clinicians need to know about, while drawing parallels between the therapists professional growth and the patients personal growth. Foundational knowledge on learning, life, and psychology segues into the therapy topics of conflict resolution, the working alliance, the therapeutic frame, technique, and feedback. What Every Therapist Needs to Know emphasizes the application of psychological theories to the therapy itself and not just to the patients life.
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