Why Capitalism Works and Government Doesnt
Review: Doug Guetzloe Why Capitalism Works and Government DoesntUnder Construction - The Economics of Labor Ed Dedelow gets it.With this incredible academic work and a lifetime as an entrepreneur; CPA and successful businessman, Dedelow has blended economics; professional life experiences and scientific principles and produced a thoughtful and compelling discourse on capitalism and government and specifically the failures of government. The business of America is essentially - business. This examination of government failures and the implementation of the economic principles that work is a must read for anyone who struggles to understand the failures of the past and the present. This book should be required reading for every citizen; bureaucrat and elected official in America. As a longtime leader for accountability and responsibility in public spending as Chairman of the Ax the Tax committee, I heartily endorse and recommend Why Capitalism Works and Government Doesnt Sincerely, Doug GuetzloeChairman, Ax the Tax CommitteeRadio Talk Show Host, The Guetzloe Report As Founder and Chairman of the citizen grassroots committee - Ax the Tax - Guetzloe has helped taxpayers defeat over $25 billion in unnecessary tax increases over the past 25 years. Guetzloe also hosts the popular - Guetzloe Report on AM 810 every weekday from 11-noon.
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