Worship and Praise
Does praise lead us to worship God? Is praise something we give to God that we might come to worship Him? What are the purposes of worship and praise? Does God need our worship and praise? This book answers these questions and more. Worship and P.raise are expressions of life! Life comes out of living relationships; life aoesn' t come out of works of ministries. We are the body of Christ, not a structure of church functions. Worship and praise are simply expressions of life testifying of God's presence in our lives! True worship and praise are birthed from an intimate relationship with God. The more we experience who God is, the more we respond to who He is. This is worship. The more we experience who God is, the more we declare who He is. This is praise. When we know we are loved by Him we cannot help but worship and praise who He is!Worship and praise are not rituals we perform, they are responses to God's love. The result is seen in heavenly changes in the world around us. Our world changes by His presence. As we worship Him and manifest His life we prophetically destroy the strongholds of every enemy. Love wins! God speaks and life happens! This is the way of worship and praise as God moves among us! Worship is the fruit of experiencing God's presence in our lives. When we see who He is in our lives, we cannot help but worship Him. We love Him because He first loved us.Ted Hanson has experienced the ministry of worship as one who served the leadership in local church settings, as well as with many worship teams as a leader. As a senior pastor for 20 y ears, he developed multiple teams of worship ministers, equipping and training them to be led by Holy Spirit in the ministry of worship. He is a prophetic psalmist and presently serves the body of Christ through House of Bread Ministry. Ted J. Hanson is the auth
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