Alzheimers Unmasked
My book titled Alzheimers Unmasked is the culmination of over 7 years of self-funded, full-time research that started in 1998. The initial goal was to identify what causes the neurodegenerative disease known as Alzheimers dementia. What advances this disease from mild cognitive impairment, to moderate cognitive impairment, and finally to the end stage of severe cognitive impairment, which terminates in death. Alzheimers dementia completely destroyed my mothers cognitive functions over a 10 year period of time. She died in May of 1999. My research was unproductive until this disease started to affect me. Using a 3 year process of elimination diet and testing on myself, I was able to isolate what caused my Cognitive impairment. It took a couple more years of research before I was able to understand the mechanisms involved. Trace minerals, by themselves will not reverse Alzheimers, but, I have found that by using them in conjunction with a restricted diet that removes certain chemicals in the foods I eat, I have completely restored my cognitive functions back to normal. If you are looking for answers as to what causes this Alzheimers disease and what to do about it, you will want to read Alzheimers Unmasked.
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