Carolines No Nightshade Kitchen
Caroline’s No Nightshade Kitchen:Arthritis DietLiving without Tomatoes, Peppers, Potatoes, and Eggplant!Caroline’s No Nightshade Kitchen: Arthritis Diet is a book about finding relief from the pain and inflammation of arthritis when every other treatment and prescription failed. The following excerpts from my cookbook explain how arthritis suddenly changed my life, and how I’m changing it back with delicious foods and a life that is pain free.My simple story and fourteen year historyIn 1998, I began to notice pain and swelling in the knuckles of my hands. The discomfort was sudden and became severe. I’m an abstract oil painter, and was concerned that I would lose my ability to paint. It became apparent that not only would I be unable to paint, but there were other things I could no longer do well. I was frightened and there seemed to be no end to the misery. It never occurred to me that the inflammation I was experiencing in my hands could be related to the hot chili peppers and tomatoes I ate almost every day.During the next three years, I went to many doctors who administered every arthritis prescription available at the time, but the medications actually made the pain worse. I spent thousands of dollars trying to find an answer that would give me relief, but my discomfort only increased. I felt hopeless and desperate as the pain intensified and the disfiguration of my hands worsened.In 2001, I was visiting a friend who is very knowledgeable about numerous types of alternative healthcare. She noticed my bright red hands and asked if I knew anything about nightshades and arthritis. She explained that nightshade plants (tomatoes, peppers, white potatoes, and eggplant) had been proven to affect some people severely who have arthritis. I thought she was crazy. I couldnt believe giving up many of the foods I enjoyed eating would make a difference.However, because the pain had been severe for three years, and I was truly desperate, I began the experimen
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