The Last Generation
We have many views about the end times based upon a persons interpretation of present day events. However, we must ask, what does the Bible say? God has given us a great deal of information, which can only be seen by using a literal/historical interpretation of the Scriptures. This book presents unique details of end time events by using a literal/historical approach when examining the Bible. If we understand Biblical prophecy, we can put the current events in proper perspective. Then we can see how God has been working for centuries preparing events for these end times. Have you wondered what will be the outcome of the economic and social turmoil in the world today? There does not seem to be an end to peoples view about what that will be. However, peoples views do not dictate what the outcome will be, but Gods view does! What will occur in the Middle East before the rapture of the church? What factor does our world economics play in the end time world alliance? Who are the beasts in the book of Daniel and Revelation? How does the development of the computer play a major role in the end times? How is God going to use the nation of Israel? Is there going to be a revived Babylonian Empire? Yes, the Bible does have answers to these and many other questions! All we need to do is use the normal method of interpreting literature. When we do, the answers to these truths are there for the picking. By using this method of interpretation, this book presents a very different view of the end times. Marvel at how God has been at work for hundreds of years preparing us for these days.
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