The Light of Queensland Chinese Education
Queensland Miaomiao Chinese is not-for-profit organization based in Queensland,Australia. The aim of Miaomiao Chinese School is to provide high quality and low costChinese language and Chinese culture courses to the local community. MiaomiaoChinese School was established in 1997 by a group of volunteer parents who would liketo improve the Chinese language capability of their children. In the past 20 yearshundreds of volunteers devoted their spare time and skills in the management ofMiaomiao Chinese School. As a result Miaomiao has grown from 15 students in oneclass to about 1000 students in 6 campuses in different areas of Queensland. MiaomiaoChinese School has taught Chinese language and culture courses to over a thousandstudents and is expected to make more contribution to multi-culture of Queensland. This book contains articles by previous and current staff of Miaomiao Chinese School to celebrate its 20th anniversary. 
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