A long, double-decker train headed for an eternity in Hell with all humanity on board, most seemingly oblivious to their terrifying fate. The train's ruling elite use the sinister Communications Centre to broadcast fake news, but the ruling elite are themselves being influenced by mysterious spiritual forces under the control of Prince Nicholas Rebel. An ancient document called The Message offers the only alternative. It tells of a great King called Victor Love who will one day rule the Earth, making King's City His capital city and transforming the Earth into Heaven. Most passengers dismiss The Message as unscientific, ill-informed, contradictory hate speech. Relatively few believe it. Those who do believe it are required to forsake all and go to the rear of the train - called the End Section - which will be detached from the rest of the train at Calvary Junction and will then journey on to King's City to meet the great King at His return.  Simon Seeker and his companion Paul Comforter, journey to the End Section, shadowed by the mysterious and ruthless Nicole Enigma, the head of Train Security. En route, they experience scorn, temptations and persecution, some of it extremely violent. When Seeker and Comforter finally reach the End Section, they discover that it is comprised of two carriages - the Contented Carriage and the Contrite Carriage - each containing passengers with widely differing ideas of what The Message is. Will both carriages be taken to King's City, or only one of them? Will they be forced to make a terrible choice? If so, which carriage should they choose? It's the glories of King's City or the horrors of Hell for all eternity. The stakes could not be higher.
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